Meridian, Idaho
For several years we’d talked about buying an rv but it never felt like the right time. This year, however, the time felt right! At first it was just a leisure vehicle. Then, with our lease coming up and feeling like we’d like to move somewhere else, but not knowing where, we decided to store our belongings and travel for a while. A long over due trip back home to Canada and renewing some passports in Seattle is how our adventures began.
Finding the right rv for our needs, cleaning and stocking it was the easy part. Finding a major repair (water damage to the back walk that needed to be completely replaced) and making sure it was road ready with new tires etc was a costly expense. We were thankful to have had savings for that. Learning all the ins and outs of how things work with a rv was a huge learning curve to say the least. We still learn new things here and there. A lot of full time rv-ers are real friendly we share tid bits of information that help each other out.
We really didnt know how we’d like rv-ing and have been feeling it out as we go. So far we have really enjoyed the adventure of going places and having the convenience of “home” where ever we go. Just pull off to the side of the hwy to make supper, shower before bed, or pullover to sleep for the night. That part is always cool. I also love the way that it cuts out all the distraction that makes things like homeschool so much more focused and better done. Life is just a lot more simplified.
Moving days are a lot of work and can be long with so much rattle, depending on the roads. Trips are always longer too and harder to drive. Driving through towns and pulling into a gas station can be tricky. Gas can be real expensive filling up, depending where you are. Figuring costs with gas and campsites to be equal or be less then monthly rent takes a bit of faith as you can just never know all the details of what things will cost.
I feel God had been preparing is over the years so we were ready and have found it very adaptable. Where it takes us, God knows, and we’re excited, and feel privileged to be on this adventure.
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