My homeland, Canada

My homeland, Canada

Green rolling hills. Farmers fields and patches of green trees. Ponds and cattails.

Sky from horizon to horizon, all around, front back and side to side.

Its so peaceful and goes on for hours and hours and hours.

Sadly, new since our last visit five years ago, the cost of living has gone up a lot. Gas in BC is about $8/gallon. There are fewer health food stores. Few can afford these foods especially in BC. Gas prices in AB is about $6/gallon. There is a lack of variety in stores generally. I had to stock up on non-gmo, natural/organic vegetables, produce, dairy and meat for the two weeks when we were in the lakeland area as grocers just dont stock these things there. People are resorting to living in rv parks.

Worst of all. In 2015 Trudeau brought over 40,000 refugees from the middle east and distributed them across Canada. The previous year about 40,000 people lost their jobs in the oilfield as the price per barrel plummeted. Canada tax dollars have gone towards housing, education, etc for these new immigrants and left our people to fend for themselves. New moscs have gone up. We drove by a big new elaborate one outside of Edmonton. Still today jobs are scarce and you can imagine the tension between the different races.

It makes my heart sad to see this in my homeland. If i could make a wish id wish Canadians could find it in their hearts to be kind and loving to these immigrants and that in turn they would give back. Hatred will only give grounds for evil things in the future. Makes me think leaders in our Canadian government are trying to destabilize the country. Thats my opinion anyway.

I feel embarrassed and sorry for my fellow Canadians to say that I am soo glad and thankful that I am able to live in the USA where I feel safe, free and have so many luxuries. I am very grateful.

Wendy Kever

I also want to say that BC and NWT (North West Territory) fires displaced “thousands” of people this summer too. Many of them in rv parks too as we passed through.

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