Only the Best Coffee

Only the Best Coffee

Whilst in Miami we had to try “Cuban” coffee. The difference is, Cuban coffee is a mixture of ground coffee and brown sugar (mixed before water has run through)! Which, really makes a different coffee/espresso. We found this authentic cuban coffee shop, La Colada, and roaster in Little Havanna district, Miami. It was a treat! We enjoyed trying many if the different flavors. Not all at once though! Lol.

We came across quiet a few coffee shops in Miami making decent coffee with local roasted beans. The best of them though, roasting their own beans and making their own house syrups that we found is Panther Coffee in Wynwood District, Miami.

Wells Coffee-Fort Lauderdale, FL

I usually prefer a hot seasonal latte but today Rob said he’d trade with me if i liked this cold one. Indeed, it was delicious! Its called the Mustachio, comprised of pistachios and black sesame seed! Soo good! I aways love a new house-made flavour! Great coffee house!

Sharing our new found spot with mom.

Of all places, the Edison & Ford museum Banyan Cafe had great coffee! Get a hot drink to enjoy during your walking your tour! They have delicious baked items as well!

J-Town Coffee-Jackson, TN. Dont let the fact that this is a “food truck” deceive you. They not only roast organic beans, they make their own syrups too! What treat!

Luce CoffeeRoasters, Houston, TX. Beautiful presentation. Cool thermas’ too!

Red Light-Galveston TX

Catalina, Houston TX. Delicious pastry too-a cross of a croissant and cinnamon bun.

Olympia Coffee, Olympia, WA

Rob really enjoyed this place.

Every local coffee roaster we had coffee at in Washington state had it perfect!

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