Out of all the “things to go see” that we’ve seen in the USA this past year, this, in my opinion, is right at the top of the list, as favourite. The sequoia tree is a natural wonder really. Thousands of years old, among the largest trees in the world by volume. The redwoods have more height. The sequoias are silent, timeless giants. Its truly hard to grasp their shear size standing beneath them. Looking at them from across the open area and seeing people beneath them, as small specs, is something to marvel at. This is the last land mark I wanted to make sure Noah got to see, a grand final at that.

Zooming in

Tree footprint

The General Sherman Tree
The largest tree in the park.

Tip of advice, take the road up 6000 ft slow, the winding roads will make you sick if you go too fast.

Looks a lot like Idaho

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